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понедельник, 3 мая 2010 г.

Sex - a panacea for all ills

Sex has been known since ancient times not only as a method of procreation and for pleasure. An active sex life is also a way to improve failing health. In particular, the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Some researchers claim that regular sex can facilitate even cancer pain. Thus, Greek scientists claim that orgasm protects against breast cancer. They examined the patients and healthy men (male breast cancer is also common, although less frequently than women) and found that those who have experienced a month at least six orgasms, cancer occurs much more frequently. It is associated with the level of male hormones.

From the results of recent research conducted by a team of specialists from New Zealand University of Auckland, it follows that men who have sex three to four times a week, 50% less likely to move a stroke or heart attack. Sex can be successfully replaced by jogging, playing squash or tennis on the protective effect they have on the cardiovascular system.

Experts from the British University of Bristol, in turn, examined 2,400 British, to assess the positive effect of sex on the man's health, and the report by the World Conference on the stroke indicated that sex need not be lengthy to benefit.

Previously, scientists believed that the real protection of the organism from a heart attack or stroke requires at least 20 minutes of exercise at least three times a week. This measure of sufficient physical activity was considered a sharp increase of respiratory and intense sweating. Now experts have come to the conclusion that even a slight, but regular stress may help protect the heart and blood vessels from disease.

With regard to prevention of diseases of the nervous system by sex, the Spanish scientists suggest the therapeutic effects of regular sexual relations. Researchers concluded that having sex 3 times a week for at least an hour help establish a comfortable family environment that is beneficial for nerve disorders and other diseases of the nervous system.

One lesson a week sex might prolong the life of men and 80 years

Having sex at least once a week may be a factor in increasing the life expectancy of men and 80 years, say Taiwanese researchers.

Scientists conducted a study which showed that the man is enough at least once a week to enter into an intimate relationship to a 50% increase chances of living more than 80 years. Regular exercise such 50% lower risk of death from stroke by 40% from diabetes and 30% of heart attack.

Comparative analysis of life and age of death of elderly men showed that those who remained alone, more likely to die much earlier than their more fortunate counterparts. If a man was left without a wife or a mistress at the age of 65 years, the probability of his death to 80-th birthday increased by 70%.

The reason is the level of testosterone, which affects the whole body. The lower performance of this hormone in the male body, the higher the probability of death from these diseases (this is the survey of 800 men aged 50 to 91 years).

But it is for men sex useful. With respect to all women is not so simple. A group of German scientists has found that, strangely enough, regular sex does not affect the best way to a life expectancy of women: it causes hormonal changes rather unfavorable, while the men regular sex is good. According to scientists, to unmarried women who had never even cohabiting with a partner, noted the good mental health - as opposed to male bachelors who feel better when next to them was a woman.

Power Men

The men of different nationalities and ethnic groups differ in the length of the penis.
The average size of registered sexual organ:
Sudanese - 30 cm
English - 27
Arabs - 25
Germans - 21, 5
Danes - 20
French - 19, 5
Americans - 19, 5
Swedes - 19, 5
Negros - 19
Russian - 16, 5
Indians - 10.
"GEO Focus", March 2004
Do you want to - believe it - check;)
In the meantime, sexologists have compared the intimate habits of earthlings and ...
The British found themselves in the most brutal sex, Indians - the most traditional, and the Americans - the earliest and wrong. These conclusions were the founders of a new science - a comparative sexology.
Previously, all have sex Germans. They begin to live a full adult life, has not yet reached the age of 17. Later, all the Indians are beginning to have sex: male, 21 years and women - in 18 years.
Most prone to homosexual activity found French. On average 4,9% of the male population admitted to having had homosexual sex at least once in their lives. But most were heterosexual Swedes: only 2,6% of the male population of the country admitted that there were homosexual.
Supporters of lesbian love most in the U.S.: 3.6% of American women trying to become or have become lesbians. The most modest in this respect were Dutch: only 1,4% of all surveyed women in the country trying to find a mate among the countrywomen.
Previously, all (average age 20 years) to marry a resident of India. German women were the most old bride: they marry the family on average at age 27. The most "family", with a large margin, were British. Every year for 1000 British registered 10.6 marriages. Less - in Malaysia (3,1).
Of the 100 Americans each year, "go left" 50 people. The most accurate (in the absence of data from Sweden, Holland, India and Malaysia) were Canadians. 34% of the inhabitants of this country have admitted that at least once in your life have changed their spouses.
As we learned from the study results, the most loving in the past year were the French. The average Frenchman in 2003, had sex 144 times. Second and third place on this indicator took the Indians (138) and British (135). The least active, with an average of 120, were the Swedes and Malaysians, respectively, 102 and 100 sex acts per year. Most of all give birth in adolescence, American.
On average in 1000 of American adolescents (15-19 years), 49 girls become mothers. Second place with a small detachment occupy Indian. The most "prudent" was a young Dutch. Only four Dutch adolescents from 1000 every year moms.

суббота, 1 мая 2010 г.

Alcohol protects against impotence.


Encouraging news came from the Green continent. How to claim Australian researchers, moderate consumption of drink rescues men from the failures in bed.

Surveyed about 2 thousand local residents and making corrections for age and smoking, the staff of the University of Western Australia under the guidance of an epidemiologist, Kew Kim Whose estimate that the prevalence of so-called erectile dysfunction among the stronger sex, absorbing alcohol in small amounts by 25-30% lower than teetotalers. However, researchers warn: the abuse of alcohol, on the contrary, contributes to this disease. "To say that the drunkard has some advantages, it would be socially irresponsible," - said the project manager.

By the way, some domestic andrologists directly link the current men's problems with the financial crisis. According to doctors, most patients complain of loss of work. Because of this, they have sharply decreases self-esteem, they are depressed, which, in turn, negatively affects the intimate life. As citizens, who only cut wages, they are still in sexual impotence are not complaining. As experts say, first of all need to understand why there was a "failure". If the cause of the psychological sphere, is necessary to consult a therapist. In this case, will also help the well-known drugs to improve erections. By the way, in the last few months, pharmacists noted a sharp increase in demand for such drugs.

Sexual arousal disorder in men (impotence), the causes of impotence (Erectile dysfunction)

Sexual arousal disorder in men (impotence) - failure to erect or to maintain it at a level sufficient to perform normal coitus. Dysfunction may be primary and secondary. Primary dysfunction occurs very rarely and in cases not associated with organic lesions, it usually indicates the presence of serious psychopathological disorders. In secondary dysfunction impotence hampered the completion of more than 25% successfully initiated sexual acts.

Primary impotence is almost always intrapsi-psychotic reasons. In rare cases, lead role in the genesis of primary impotence belongs biogenic factors, usually associated with low testosterone levels and thus a violation in the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad; casuistic cause may be vascular pathology. By intrapsychic causes of impotence are the primary pathological fear of the vagina, the experience of sexual guilt, fear of intimacy, depression.

Over 50% of cases of secondary impotence, also called mental factors. These factors, referred to as "direct" causes (see above), may be included after a transient episode of impotence of any etiology.

Impotence may be situational, ie, conditioned place, time, specific partner, fear of failure, undermine self-esteem.

Impotence can also cause systemic factors. These include: systemic diseases (most often - diabetes mellitus, and syphilis, alcoholism, dependence on psychoactive substances, hypopituitarism, hypothyroidism), local disorders (eg, congenital disorders and inflammatory diseases of genital organs), cardiovascular disorders, such as aneurysm aorta and atherosclerosis (eg, Leriche), nerve disease (multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injuries, mikroadenoma with hyperprolactinemic pituitary, heart spasms), intake of certain drugs such as hypertensives, sedatives, tranquilizers, and amphetamines; surgical procedures, such a sympathectomy. Effects of prostatectomy and castration are highly variable. Transurethral prostatectomy is usually not accompanied by the development of impotence, but after perineal prostatectomy impotence occurs almost always. However, such a common consequence of prostatectomy, as retrograde ejaculation, does not depend on the method of surgical intervention.

Impotence is not an inevitable attribute of aging and may be absent at the eighth and ninth decades of life. And if the age of the frequency and severity of ejaculation, and hence the degree of sexual tension and the need to ejaculate decreased, the capacity for erection often persists.

Be a man of any age

Some do not believe that the man at the age can make love every day many times for hours on end. But it is actually very simple. The fact is that there is a secret preserve male sexual power, but who is known not to all. Many are doing gymnastics in the morning, visit gyms and swimming pools, and all this to keep his muscles toned. And not only that! It is not enough! The fact that the sex organs, too, require attention - many men are forgotten. Regularly perform special exercises for urinary-genital system, as well as exercises for respiratory system, cardiovascular system, nervous system and not only.

Men also forget that require regular massage and sex okolopolovyh bodies, massage testicles, prostate massage, massage the buttocks, perineum massage. The usefulness of massage is unlikely anyone will dispute. Massage provides an additional flow of blood and prevents the formation of stagnant conditions. Massage - is a good method of prevention and prevention of disease. However, most men do not bother and do not massage genitals until the problem has not yet begin. Prostatitis, pain in the testicles, impotence, impotence, loss of interest to women - these and other phenomena are not rare among men older than 40 years.

To avoid these problems, you should regularly carry out special exercises for the various systems and organs and certainly massage. And then even at 90! man looks much younger than his years and can satisfy any woman and make her happy. A woman with such a man just stays delighted by his actions. This secret owned a few. Now you too can keep yourself always in good shape.

REVOLUTION testosterone


The theory of menopausal men, or, as they said, "extinction", originated in the late XVIII century. A certain Dr. Hooper from London, wrote in his medical dictionary: "Extinction in men - this is a real disease, has nothing in common with the natural withering because of it can be cured." And, indeed, cases where an aging man suddenly began to prosper in a business or met a new woman and younger before our eyes, a lot.

In the twentieth century, as we could synthesize testosterone, the opportunity to present replacement therapy.

Here are just a man in no hurry to take advantage of it, and pharmacists, respectively, are in no hurry to increase production of drugs. Though today there are many, and in many different forms - injections, tablets, gels, plasters. But the self is unacceptable: if illiterate use of drugs can completely disrupt the natural processes in the body. Appoint such therapy should only be experienced physician.

Hormone of success


Testosterone is called "hormone of success." Men with high testosterone levels tend to take the initiative in their hands, bend the will of others. They have strongly voiced their opinions and anger, very vigorous and more successful.

Professor James Debbs, a psychologist at the University of Georgia (USA), 5000 conducted a study of veterans of the Vietnam War and found that the desire for fame at any cost is typical for men with high testosterone levels, but low levels of education and income. A more successful in this sense, men have found the use of their energy doing something socially acceptable - for example, went on fast machines instead they steal.

The professor also found that representatives of the "extroverted" occupations - actors, footballers and lawyers - testosterone level higher than, say, the church officials. So the almighty hormone testosterone affects virtually every aspect of life.

Will a man a poet or a boxer, a winner or loser, is largely dependent on testosterone.

95% of testosterone is produced in the testes Leydig cells. That's more, sometimes less. The first peak accounted for ... intrauterine development: the 23rd week of future levels of testosterone in boys 5-6 times higher than that of girls, but then decreases testosterone. By this time, almost completed the development of all organs and systems are affected by testosterone.


About two thousand years ago the Greek physician Pliny recommended for improving sexual function eat the eggs of various animals. This medicine is still popular, for example, in Spain, where the bull eggs are exquisite delicacy. We are glad to disappoint: no matter how much you eat, you will not become sexier. First, the hormone in the testes is very small - by working in them, he quickly spreads through the body. In addition, testosterone from food is broken down in the liver and enters the blood.

Following 35 years of "factory of testosterone, gradually reduces the volume of testosterone and the onset andropauzy (male menopause) turns work. However, there are factors that can influence the amount of the principal male hormone in the body regardless of age.

Denial of meat. The best means of taming the flesh at all times considered a vegetarian diet. It is devoid of cholesterol, without which the hormone can not. Of course, the observance of orthodox posts will not make a man a eunuch, but long veganism reduces the aggressiveness of men, but at the same time, and sexual attraction. In other words, the "meat warms up blood."

Female hormones. Alas, the men literally drowning in a sea of estrogen - female sex hormones. And the meat of animals raised on hormone supplements, as well as enthusiasm for beer, rich in phytoestrogens (plant analogs of female hormones), male power will not add. A soy products, some experts do not recommend eating pregnant: If the unborn child, its development may suffer. A lot of chemicals with similar effects, and the environment - they contain, for example ... plastic and pesticides.

Climate. Here the inhabitants of northern latitudes are not very lucky. The sun's rays stimulate the production of male hormones. Therefore, in the resorts of people and feel sexy splash, but residents of tropical countries considered to be the hottest in love - is raging testosterone.

Alcohol. This poison eggs. At higher levels of alcohol in the blood at the same time decreasing the amount of testosterone. No wonder they say: "Alcohol causes a desire, but do not give the resistance in his performance" (these words belong to Shakespeare). Use the same alcohol in quantities that can cause a hangover, reduces levels of testosterone during 12-20 hours at 20%. And the victims of "degrees" testicles never recovered completely. The liver can still regenerate, the testicles also making plans for revenge, so today's sturdy, fast life behind bars, tomorrow turn to the infirm patients.

Stress. Divorce, unresolved problems, financial losses, unemployment - all this leads to inhibition of testosterone. One study found that noise from aircraft turbines in close proximity to the level of testosterone in the blood of young men is reduced by half!

Serious congestion, prolonged stress, the more depression shorten the age of the active life of men.

Overheated. Prolonged overheating the testicles can make a man sterile for some time.

Cramped. Italian researchers have proven: men wearing elastic synthetic underwear, infertility occurs twice as often. Among those who prefer tight jeans, fruitless and a half times more. And since the production of testosterone and sperm are closely linked together, we can say: "semeyniki" or, in the European manner, "Boxers" - the choice of the true macho.

Infections. Mumps virus (mumps), infectious mononucleosis (glandular inflammation), hepatitis, urethritis and disease, sexually transmitted, can disrupt testosterone production and cause premature start andropauzy.

Operations and some medications can also reduce testosterone.

But to increase production of testosterone is capable of physical activity (especially good running, swimming, golf lessons with an instructor at the gym) and obschestimuliruyuschie tools - ginseng, special dietary supplements, while often the risk of their use outweigh the potential benefits. As for oysters and other aphrodisiac, then the production of testosterone, they, alas, have no effect.

men's health

It is believed that men's health - it is purely urological or andrologic problem, but the question really is much broader.

Testosterone - here is the hormone that makes a man a man. Testosterone in the male body acts on the reproductive organs, prostate, seminal vesicles, epididymis, penis, activates the exchange of fat, protein, cholesterol, trace elements and other controls normal spermatogenesis, stimulates sexual expression and other processes. Testosterone is primarily affects the formation and activation of libido, sexual arousal, as well as the intensity of orgasm. With increasing age, starting from 30 years old, the male testosterone begins to decline. It was at this time, starting with health problems, was not so easy on the beach, the muscles do not want to grow, despite all the efforts in the gym, but it is actively growing belly and wrinkles appear. Lack of testosterone affects almost all organs and systems. This hormone is called "hormone of happiness" for men - a shortage affects not only physical but also mental state men - fell spirits begin bouts of depression and pessimism unmotivated.

What happens: gradually decreasing ability for intellectual thought and criticism, decreases work capacity, physical endurance, decreased sexual activity.

Most men begin to notice symptoms of sexual violation - erectile dysfunction. But more often than men believe that it is a manifestation of man's weakness, or as a possible variant age-related changes. In fact, erectile dysfunction is only the tip of the iceberg. Iceberg called vascular pathology, the problem is connected with violation of the walls of blood vessels not only the penis, but the whole body. Major changes occur in the following systems and organs: cardiovascular, genitourinary, central nervous, musculoskeletal, and skin. Manifestations of coronary heart disease suggests that this initial stage of disorders of vascular circulation in the pelvic organs and the cardiovascular system and other vital blood vessels