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понедельник, 3 мая 2010 г.

Sex - a panacea for all ills

Sex has been known since ancient times not only as a method of procreation and for pleasure. An active sex life is also a way to improve failing health. In particular, the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Some researchers claim that regular sex can facilitate even cancer pain. Thus, Greek scientists claim that orgasm protects against breast cancer. They examined the patients and healthy men (male breast cancer is also common, although less frequently than women) and found that those who have experienced a month at least six orgasms, cancer occurs much more frequently. It is associated with the level of male hormones.

From the results of recent research conducted by a team of specialists from New Zealand University of Auckland, it follows that men who have sex three to four times a week, 50% less likely to move a stroke or heart attack. Sex can be successfully replaced by jogging, playing squash or tennis on the protective effect they have on the cardiovascular system.

Experts from the British University of Bristol, in turn, examined 2,400 British, to assess the positive effect of sex on the man's health, and the report by the World Conference on the stroke indicated that sex need not be lengthy to benefit.

Previously, scientists believed that the real protection of the organism from a heart attack or stroke requires at least 20 minutes of exercise at least three times a week. This measure of sufficient physical activity was considered a sharp increase of respiratory and intense sweating. Now experts have come to the conclusion that even a slight, but regular stress may help protect the heart and blood vessels from disease.

With regard to prevention of diseases of the nervous system by sex, the Spanish scientists suggest the therapeutic effects of regular sexual relations. Researchers concluded that having sex 3 times a week for at least an hour help establish a comfortable family environment that is beneficial for nerve disorders and other diseases of the nervous system.

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