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суббота, 1 мая 2010 г.

Alcohol protects against impotence.


Encouraging news came from the Green continent. How to claim Australian researchers, moderate consumption of drink rescues men from the failures in bed.

Surveyed about 2 thousand local residents and making corrections for age and smoking, the staff of the University of Western Australia under the guidance of an epidemiologist, Kew Kim Whose estimate that the prevalence of so-called erectile dysfunction among the stronger sex, absorbing alcohol in small amounts by 25-30% lower than teetotalers. However, researchers warn: the abuse of alcohol, on the contrary, contributes to this disease. "To say that the drunkard has some advantages, it would be socially irresponsible," - said the project manager.

By the way, some domestic andrologists directly link the current men's problems with the financial crisis. According to doctors, most patients complain of loss of work. Because of this, they have sharply decreases self-esteem, they are depressed, which, in turn, negatively affects the intimate life. As citizens, who only cut wages, they are still in sexual impotence are not complaining. As experts say, first of all need to understand why there was a "failure". If the cause of the psychological sphere, is necessary to consult a therapist. In this case, will also help the well-known drugs to improve erections. By the way, in the last few months, pharmacists noted a sharp increase in demand for such drugs.

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